With winter in the rearview, spring in the air and temperatures on the rise, it is perfectly normal to be excited about spending more time outside and revitalizing your exercise routine. Follow these tips to ease into your warm-weather workout habits while avoiding possible injury:


It is not unusual to get behind on your health goals during the winter months, but it is important to remember that it takes time to get back into a regular fitness routine. Make sure to keep realistic expectations and allow your body to adjust as needed. Getting back in shape requires patience and attainable goals. Moving too quickly from the couch to track star could cause your body to suffer from drastic change.


Before jumping straight into intense conditioning, make sure that you begin each workout by stretching and warming up. Skipping a warm-up increases your chance of injury. Consider warming up your muscles with a few minutes of jumping jacks or jogging in place. One of the most common ways to get injured is by not properly warming up before exercising.


It is better to start at square one than not start at all! Start your spring routine with something small like walking multiple times per week. Once you get comfortable, you can increase speed and frequency. This gradual increase in intensity will help you engage in more vigorous exercises as the season progresses. People often exert their bodies too vigorously or quickly when they begin a new workout routine. We suggest you ease into your exercise plan to avoid muscle overuse. Whether your spring activity of choice is running, biking or golfing, make sure to listen to your body as you ease back into the activity. If you have previously suffered from a sports injury or chronic condition, also consider consulting with a sports medicine specialist like the team at Southern Rehab and Sports Medicine before incorporating your new workout plan. One of the best and healthiest ways to take advantage of the longer days and extra sunlight is to add some outside activity to your day. Consider these tips to do it in the healthiest way possible.