About Your Visit

What to Expect

At your initial visit, the physical therapist will evaluate your condition and will develop a plan of care for your treatment. He or she will create an exercise program that includes stretches and strengthening exercises to help you reach your specific wellness goals. Treatment may also include other types of therapy including electrical stimulation, dry needling, ASTYM, cupping, and more to help reduce pain, tightness, radiculopathy, post-op symptoms, tension, and muscle fatigue.

What to Wear

Patients should wear clothing that they are comfortable doing some moderate movements and exercises in. Tennis shoes are recommended for therapy.

Self Referral

Georgia law now allows patients to come directly to a physical therapist without a medical doctor referral. This can save you time and money typically required from a doctor’s office visit, co-pay, or diagnostic testing. Our therapists are all trained in differential diagnosis–the ability to determine whether or not a referral to a medical doctor is necessary based on your symptoms. This ensures your safety during your time with us and can help you reach full recovery faster.

For patients who choose not to go through insurance, there is a self-pay/cash option of $85 per visit. This will not apply toward your insurance plan.